Following repairs by Surrey County Council costing over £100K, the Public Byway Open to All Traffic (BOAT) known as Wolvens Lane (see ) has remained temporarily closed to 4-wheel motorised traffic and SCC's Countryside Access team are currently consulting on whether a more permanent solution to preventing damage and increasing safety should be considered. Prior to the repairs being carried out, the surface of the BOAT, its boundary banks and neighbouring land had suffered significant misuse from motorised vehicles, including motorbikes.
Given that this track forms part of the newly opened Leith Hill Greenway aimed at walkers, cyclists and horse riders, MVCF feels it would not be appropriate to allow motorised traffic to use this route.
We would strongly urge you to respond to this consultation by emailing before April 19th 2021.
Full details and a summary of the options can be read here. MVCF supports Option 1: To promote a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to restrict all motorised vehicles with 2 or more wheels and all horse drawn carriages exceeding a width of 1500mm (4’11’’) from using the BOAT.
Given that this track forms part of the newly opened Leith Hill Greenway aimed at walkers, cyclists and horse riders, MVCF feels it would not be appropriate to allow motorised traffic to use this route.
We would strongly urge you to respond to this consultation by emailing before April 19th 2021.
Full details and a summary of the options can be read here. MVCF supports Option 1: To promote a permanent Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to restrict all motorised vehicles with 2 or more wheels and all horse drawn carriages exceeding a width of 1500mm (4’11’’) from using the BOAT.
If you feel you can help, we would suggest you send a simple email to along the lines of:
Subject: Consultation ref DJ/3/1/BOAT 526
I am writing in support of Option 1 - the closure of BOAT 526 to motor traffic of all kinds.
You may wish to add further supporting comments (eg. as a regular walker/cyclist using this route etc.), and if you can provide your address or details of where you live to indicate you are local, we feel sure that this will assist.