Cycle schemes

A Strategic Cycle Network for Mole Valley

We have developed a plan for a strategic cycle network, providing routes between villages and towns, and linking the towns to towns outside Mole Valley. The objectives of the network are set out in a presentation here (900KB pdf download), and some routes appear below. Also available is our list of priorities for route development (18KB download)


Westcott to Dorking

For many years we have campaigned for a route between Westcott and Dorking and at long last it is here...almost.  At Dorking the route runs out by the junction with Vincent Lane at a point where the A25 gets quite narrow and busy.  So if anyone can come up with of bringing it closer to the town centre, please let us know.


Dorking Southbound

There is potential for a route from Dorking south towards Capel, through North Holmwood and making shared use of the footpath on the east side of the A25. Much of this is now in place although vegetation has started to encroach upon the footpath again.  Budget cutbacks resulted in the final stage being dropped, although hopefully not indefinitely.  We continue to campaign for this to be completed.


East Leatherhead

There is a need for cycling links from the Epsom Road area to schools the other side of the M25 and beyond, and from Ashtead to Leatherhead. The Knoll roundabout has been a barrier to all but experienced cyclists. We proposed an alternative route via Linden Pit Path, though that would involve changing the ramp up to the pedestrian bridge and raising the fencing on the bridge. Linden Pit Path itself was widened in 2010. The recently completed cycle path along the A24 from Leatherhead to Ashtead now provides a direct and much-needed path for all types of cyclists, but there are a number of issues that need to be addressed, as set out in our report of November 2014 (PDF 986KB), some of which have been addressed. An earlier report gives more details of options of alternative routes (PDF 873KB).


Howard of Effingham School Approaches

Students cycling (and walking) to the Howard of Effingham School face a number of problems. For cyclists these include: poor quality cycle path along Lower Road, no cycle path along the A246 or Effingham Common Road and congestion at peak times. Our survey report (PDF 990KB) set out the problems and some potential solutions.  With the plans to rebuild the school on an adjacent location and other housing likely to be constructed over coming years, other options are now possible and we plan to update our survey in the coming months.


Trig Street Bridleway

Safety for non vehicular journeys between Newdigate, Capel and Beare Green could be improved by upgrading an existing footpath, running parallel to Trig Street, to a bridleway. Full details in our survey report (PDF 1.2MB), which details the benefits and outlines the work required.  An updated version (2021) is now available here.


Dorking BMX track

Located on south-facing gently sloping ground to the west of West Dorking Station the site, featuring freestyle runs plus a race track, was established with the assistance of MVCF. It has been in use since about 2007, though drainage has been an ongoing problem.


Safe Routes to Schools

Some years ago the Surrey Safe Routes to Schools (SSRS) initiative was about improving the journey to school experience for those who are not driven to school, and to enhance conditions so that some of those who currently go by car will choose another form which causes less pollution, causes fewer traffic problems and makes the roads safer.  It was part of the national Safe Routes to Schools initiative which supports projects throughout the UK. These projects enable and encourage children to cycle and walk to school by improving street design, calming traffic, creating traffic-free spaces and linking with the National Cycle Network.

Whilst this initiative is no longer a priority for Surrey County Council, they still provide a range of services including cycle training.  More details here.